The use of metal detector in the making of denture
Under the work flow of metal detector, we show the process control of metal.
1, 供应商提供金属后需做进货检验,抽检不同批次的原材料检验,合格后才会进入仓库。
1, the supplier needs to do the inspection of the goods after the supply of metal. The inspection of the raw materials for different batches will be checked, and the warehouse will be entered after the supplier is qualified.
2, 领用金属后会订单编号逐一核对金属品名,并使用条形码管理每个批次的金属使用在不同的订单中
2, the metal name is checked by the order number one by one, and the bar code is used to manage each batch of metal in different orders.
3, 铸造完成后要再一次进行金属成分检测,以防成分不准,若此次检测过程中发现有成分不准或金属发错现象要立即返工.
3, after the completion of the casting, we must check the metal composition again, so as to prevent the components from being inaccurate. If the components are not allowed or the metal is wrong, we need to rework immediately.
4, the cast head (commonly known as steel head) after casting (commonly known as steel head) is collected, and the identification is done for scrap treatment.
5, cobalt and chromium metal contaminated with a small amount of nickel (must be scrapped and not allowed to flow into the production line). The semi finished metal inner crown of the foundry has been detected by the metal detector, and the separation and distribution should be carried out, and the discarded treatment should be marked.
6, it is necessary to use magnifying glass and magnification to test the nesting and shrinkage cavity through the detection of the composition.
7, 检查金属成份合格的半成品还需要高精密检测仪(显微镜)检查铸造的边缘适合性,边缘完成线的完整性。符合要求的才能进入下一站作业,不符合的仍作为报废品处理。
7, a high precision tester (microscope) is needed to check the semifinished semi-finished products of metal components. In accordance with the requirements, it is possible to enter the next station, and the non conformity is still treated as a newspaper waste.
8, the final product also needs the final test of the mouse detector.